Reifon ® Pea Protein Crisps deliver 70% high protein content with a firm texture. Reifon® Pea Protein Crisps is a ideal…
55% Pea Protein Crisps are Non-GMO and allergen free crisps, crunchy texture for Nutrition bar, Snack Food, Cluster, Cru…
Reifon 40% Pea Protein Crisps have a light crispy texture that makes them ideal for using in nutrition bar and cluster a…
Reifon® Soy Protein Crisps RF60F series deliver high protein and high fiber. It is a ideal ingredients for Nutrition bar…
This high protein crisp product is made from Non-GMO Soy Protein. It is a ideal ingredients for Nutrition bar, Snack Foo…
Reifon® Cocoa Soy Protein Crisp uses soy protein and Cocoa powder as main ingredients, and uses the advanced extrusion t…
Reifon® Extruded Quinoa Puff uses quinoa flour as main ingredients, and uses the advanced extrusion technology to make …
Reifon® Purple Yam Puff uses purple yam flour and rice flour as main ingredients, and uses the advanced extrusion techn…
Reifon® Extruded Black Rice Puff uses black rice flour as main ingredients, and uses the advanced extrusion technology…
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